"I have spoken with many Oregonians, especially moms, who have been limited by lack of access to affordable child care, home care, and paid family leave. Care cant wait!#TimeforAction #CareCantWait"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Suzanne Bonamici:
"As a policymaker & former public school parent, I'm eternally grateful for the tireless dedication of our many teachers & school staff. I'm committed to making sure schools have the policies & resources they need to provide a quality education to all students. #PublicSchoolProud"Read on Twitter
"It is an honor to co-lead the #PublicSchoolsWeek Resolution. Our system of public education is important for our children, families, community, and economy. bonamici.house.gov/media/press-re"Read on Twitter
"We must use all diplomatic and economic tools at our disposal to protect the lives and freedom of Ukrainians." on Feb. 22Read on Twitter