Suzanne Bonamici tweeted the following:
"In July, I led 13 of my colleagues in writing to @SecCardona requesting that @usedgov provide guidance to states and school districts about how to spend their additional Title IV-A dollars to make schools healthier and more supportive places to learn."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Suzanne Bonamici:
"Oregon will receive more than $8 million to provide grants to advance evidence-based strategies in its highest-need school districts."Read on Twitter
"I thank the Secretary for publishing guidance that fulfills our requests and for making equity a priority in the implementation of this historic law."Read on Twitter"Read on Twitter
"I'm pleased to see @usedgov distribute nearly $1 billion in Bipartisan Safer Communities Act school safety funding to school districts to implement restorative practices to keep students safe."Read on Twitter