Suzanne Bonamici tweeted the following:
"I enjoyed meeting with newly-elected Forest Grove Mayor Malynda Wenzl today. Like Mayor Wenzl, my passion for education led me into politics, and I look forward to working together on issues important to the Forest Grove community."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Suzanne Bonamici:
"The hotels and motels acquired for Project Turnkey can be remodeled for a fraction of the cost of developing new affordable housing."Read on Twitter
"This is an innovative example of how governments and local community partners can provide affordable housing and wraparound services to support people experiencing homelessness. I am committed to doing whatever I can at the federal level to further their work."Read on Twitter
"Today staff at Casa Amparo, a Project Turnkey site, showed me around the facility and explained how they help Amparo residents transition to permanent housing."Read on Twitter