Public Notice | City of Cannon Beach
Public Notice | City of Cannon Beach
App# Address#/TL# App Description Status Noticed Hearing
Development Permit 23-01 3608 W. Chinook Ave. Excavation in conjunction with a carport replacement Approved 1/17/2023
Development Permit 22-22 235 W. Siuslaw St. Repair of existing rip-rap Approved 1/17/2023
Tree Removal Permit 334 Reservoir Rd. Removal of Hazard Trees Approved 1/17/2023
E. Jefferson St. ROW Tree Removal Adjacent to 180 E. Jefferson St. ROW Tree Removal Notice Period 1/12/2023 N/A
Tree Removal Permit 295 Elliot Way Removal of a Dead Tree Approved 1/12/2023
View Point Terrace ROW Tree Removal Adjacent to 51030DD00905 ROW Tree Removal Notice Period 1/11/23 N/A
AA 23-01 Tax Lot# 4100, Map 51030DA) Appeal of DP 22-19 Notice Period 1/6/23 1/26/23
V 23-01 268 Beaver Off Street Parking Variance Notice Period 1/6/23 1/26/23
Downtown Parking Lot ROW Tree Removal 51019DD07100 ROW Tree Removal Approved 01/03/2023 N/A
RV Park ROW Tree Removal 51029BD00102 ROW Tree Removal Approved 01/03/23 N/A
5th and Fir ROW Tree Removal Adj. to 51020CB03600 & 51020CB03500 ROW Tree Removal Approved 01/03/23 N/A
DRB 23-01 Coolidge Right-of-Way 1216 S Hemlock & 1188 S Hemlock Midtown Restroom Remodel Notice Period 12/29/22 1/19/23
DP 22-21
Taxlots 51019AA05602, 05604, N. Ash St.
Development Permit Approved 12/21/2022
DP 22-20 3724 S. Hemlock St. Development Permit Approved 12/21/2022
DP 22-19 Taxlot 51030DA04100, Forest Lawn DR. Development Permit Approved 12/16/2022 N/A
Ash St. Right-of-Way Tree Removal 51019AA03900 Adj. to 756 Ash St. ROW Tree Removal Approved w. Bldg Pmt. 12/9/2022 N/A
SP 22-10 273 Beaver St., Hipnest Sign Permit Approved 12/7/2022 N/A
SP 22-09 1287 Pacific St., Pacific Suites Sign Permit Approved 12/7/2022 N/A
SEP 22-17 108 N Hemlock, Coaster Theatre Poinsettia Sale at the Lamp Lighting Ceremony Approved 12/2/22 N/A
DP 22-17 1603 Forest Lawn Rd., Taxlot 51030DA04104 development permit for the purpose of installing a stormwater management system Notice Period 11/29/22 N/A
SEP 22-16 172 N Hemlock Haystack Holidays Parking Space Closure Approved 11/30/22 Event Date 12/3/22
APP 22-02 southwest corner of 1st and Spruce St. (Tax Lot 04402, Map 51030AA) Appeal Notice Period 11/23/22 12/13/22
SR 22-03 368 Elk Creek Rd. (Tax Lot 00200, Map 51029CA) Conditional Use Permit to allow a residential use for approximately 55% of the building floor area vs. the 50% maximum allowed.
Notice Period
11/2/22 11/22/22
DRB 22-19 787 Ocean, #A (Tax Lot 90101, Map 51030AD) Replacement of the southerly dwelling of an existing duplex Notice Period 10/28/22 11/17/22
Water Treatment Plant Right-of-Way Tree Removal 5000 Elk Creek Rd ROW Tree Removal Approved 10/27/2022 N/A
ZO 22-01 Text amendment of CBMC Title 17 Zoning regarding notice and procedural requirements Notice Period 10/7/22 10/27/22
CU 22-04 4007 Ocean Ave. Conditional Use for non-structural shoreline stabilization Notice Period 10/7/22 10/27/22
DRB 22-17 387 Fir St. TL 51020CB03800 The replacement of exterior siding Notice Period 9/30/22 10/20/22
CD 22-01 & CU 22-03 1st & Spruce TL 51030AA04402 Conditional Use for Cluster Development Continued 9/23/2022 10/27/2022
SEP 22-14 City Park Bandstand Tolovana Arts Colony Concert in the Park Approved 9/19/22 n/a
CP 22-01
TSP Project Webpage
Transportation System Plan Public Hearing with City Council Notice Period 9/14/22 10/4/22
SEP 22-15 CBHCM Cottage & Garden Tour Wildlife Center of the North Coast providing information at Madison Park, across the street from a cottage tour location Approved 9/7/22 n/a
APP 22-01 Corner of Forest Lawn Rd. and S Hemlock St. (Tax Lot 04100, Map 51030DA) Appeal of Planning Commission’s denial of P 22-01 & CU 22-02 Notice Period 8/29/22 9/19/22
DP 22-13 51020BC00503, 00504, 00505, 00506, 00507, & 00508 Development Permit for Vegetation Clearing Approved 8/25/2022 NA
SEP 22-07 Parking at Sports Park In a Landscape. Concert on Private Property (Tolovana Mainline) Approved 8/12/22 n/a
SEP 22-12 City Park Bandstand Tolovana Arts Colony Concert in the Park Approved 8/12/22 n/a
SEP 22-11 City Park Bandstand Concert in the Park with the Outpatientz Approved 8/5/22 n/a
CD 22-01 & CU 22-03
1st & Spruce, TL51030AA04402
Conditional Use for Cluster Development Continued 8/2/2022
8/25/2022, 9/22/2022, & 10/27/2022
V 22-01 368 Elk Creek Rd. Variance for residential use in C2 Zone Notice Period 8/2/2022 8/25/2022
Evergreen & E. Harrison Right-of-Way Tree Removal Along Evergreen St. and corner of E. Harrison St., ROW Tree Removal Approved 8/2/2022 N/A
DRB 22-13
Stephanie Inn
2740 Pacific
New Paint, patios, window & door changes Approved 7/27/2022 8/18/2022
DRB 22-12 3732 W Chinook New ADU Approved 7/27/2022 8/18/2022
SEP 22-10 City Park Bandstand Concert in the Park Approved 7/22/22
DP 22-11 TL 510290000101 City of CB Stormwater Outfall Maintanance Approved 7/19/2022 NA
DP 22-10
Ecola Creek Rd. TL 51029CA00101
Echo Cache Site Utilities & Pit Tank Approved 7/12/2022 NA
DP 22-09 S. Laurel from 1st to Washington Remedial Dune Grading Approved 7/6/2022 NA
SEP 22-09 North on Spruce from Gower/Monroe, then South on Hemlock to Coolidge 4th of July Parade Approved 6/29/22
594-596 N Elm Right-of-Way Tree Removal North of 594-596 N Elm in the right-of-way ROW Tree Removal Pending 6/23/22
SEP 22-05 Beach off of Madison Sandcastle Contest Approved 6/3/22
P 22-01 & CU 22-02
Hearing Notice
TL 51030DA04100 Forest Lawn Partition Denied
& 7/28/2022
6/23/2022 & 7/28/2022
SR 22-02 208 E Jackson St. Setback Reduction to add gable roof to existing flat roof garage Approved 6/2/2022 6/23/2022
SEP 22-08 Public Coast /through Cannon Beach 5K Fun Run Approved 5/31/22-6/4/22 n/a
SEP 22-06 268 Beaver CBE Community Outreach Information Session Approved 5/20/22-/27/22
SEP 22-01 Cannon Beach Cannon Beach Fat Bike Festival Approved 5/13/22-5/20/22
DP 22-08 132 Elliott Way Accessory Structure in Required Rear Yard Approved 5/11/2022 NA
DP 22-07 288 S Laurel Type 2 Development Permit Approved 5/5/2022 NA
SEP 22-06 268 Beaver CBE Community Outreach Information Session Approved 4/27/22-4/30/22
DRB 22-08 3339 S Hemlock Relocate Dumpster Corral Tabled 4/26/2022 5/19/2022
DRB 21-07 1355 S Hemlock Modification to landscaping/site plan Approved 4/26/2022 5/19/2022
CP 22-01 City of Cannon Beach Transportation System Plan Approved by Planning Commission - Now goes before City Council
4/18/2022, 7/6/2022,
& 7/28/2022
5/26/2022, 6/23/2022, 7/28/2022, & 8/25/2022
Hearing Notice 163 E Gower CM/GC Process for New City Hall/Police Station Comment Period 4/15/22-5/3/22 5/3/21
SEP 22-04 Gower St Parking Lot 12 Days of Earth Day Cannon Beach Shreds Approved 4/15/22-4/22/22
SEP 22-03 2nd St between Hemlock & Spruce 12 Days of Earth Day Street Fair Approved 4/15/22-4/23/22
SEP 22-02 N Hemlock from 1st to 3rd streets 12 Days of Earth Day Parade Approved 4/15/22-4/23/22
SR 22-01 2316 Pacific St. Setback Reduction Approved 4/7/2022 4/28/2022
DP 22-05 3723 Pacific Accessory Structure in Required Rear Yard Approved
CU 21-03 116 N. Laurel St. Conditional Use for Shoreline Stabilization Approved 1/5/2022 4/28/2022
332 E Harrison - ROW Tree Removal 51029BC05403 (332 E Harrison) & 51029BC05402 (316 E Harrison) Right-of-way tree removal 10-day notice period 3/30/2022
DRB 22-07 2316 Pacific St. ADU above existing garage Approved 3/29/2022 4/21/2022
CU 22-01 3863 Ocean Conditional Use for Shoreline Stabilization Approved 3/3/2022 3/24/2022
DP 21-24 3988 S Hemlock Development Permit for accessory structure in rear yard Approved 3/3/2022 NA
DRB 22-03 W Warren Way & S Hemlock Intersection Intersection improvements Approved 3/1/2022 3/17/2022
DP 22-04 1288, 1296, & 1316 Pacific Development Permit for Remedial Dune Grading Approved 2/17/2022 NA
Ecola Creek Park Pathway - ROW Tree Removal Ecola Creek Park pathway - 51020CC00100 (100 E 3rd Street) Right-of-way tree removal Approved 2/15/22 N/A
DRB 21-26
1355 S. Hemlock St. Pergolas for Outdoor Dining Approved with DRB 21-17 12/29/2021 5/19/2022
DRB 21-37
273 Beaver St. Tenant Improvements for New Retail & Living Space Approved 12/29/2021 2/17/2022
Public Hearing
Tax Lot 51031AA00600
Off S. Hemlock via the W. Nenana Avenue right-of-way
Driveway Access Easement Public Hearing Scheduled 2/8/22 3/1/22
AA 22-01 534 N Laurel Administrative Appeal Denied Mailed Notice Not Required 3/24/2022
DP 22-02 TL 51020CB00200 Stormwater ditch maintenance Approved 2/1/2022 NA
DP 22-01 4632 Logan Ln. Shoreline stabilization structure repair Approved 1/24/2022
AA 21-01 544 N Laurel Remand of Harrison appeal of development/building permit Denied Mailed Notice Not Required 1/27/2021
AA 21-03
TL 51030DA04100
Forest Lawn Right-of-Way
Appeal of development permit DP21-23 for stormwater pipe extension Canceled 1/5/2022 NA
CU 21-04
4664 Logan Lane
Conditional Use for Shoreline Stabilization Approved 11/29/2021 1/27/2022
CU 21-05 3915 Ocean Ave. Conditional Use for Shoreline Stabilization Approved 1/5/2022 1/27/2022
SR 21-06 1688 S Hemlock Rear yard setback reduction for exit stair
11/2/2021 1/27/2022
DRB 21-36 148 E. Gower St. Wood Fencing to Replace Cyclone Fencing Approved 12/29/2021 1/20/2022
APP 21-03 544 N Laurel Street Appeal of Planning Commission’s approval of an Administrative Appeal Denied 12/17/21 1/11/22
ZO 21-02 Text Amendment Approved 12/14/21 1/4/22
SEP 21-09 1216 S Hemlock Sandwich Board @ American Legion Approved 12/10/21-12/23/21
620 Ecola Park Road - ROW Tree Removal 51019AD00300 (620 Ecola Park Road) & 51019AD00305 (no address) Right-of-way tree removal Approved 11/30/21 N/A
DRB 21-35 TL 51030AD06600, corner of S. Hemlock & E Van Buren ADU (accessory dwelling unit) Approved 11/24/2021 12/16/2021
DRB 21-34 988 Hemlock Outdoor dining, parking Withdrawn 11/24/2021 N/A
197 E Madison - ROW Tree Removal Across from 197 E Madison (51029BC01105) Right-of-way tree removal Approved 11/22/21 N/A
Public Notice - Categorical Exclusion City-wide Categorical exclusion from further environmental review for Water Resiliency Project Phase I & II Approved 11/10/21 N/A
DP 21-22 295 E. 2nd St. Grading, Erosion and Sedimentation Control - Storm drain vegetation maintenance Approved 11/5/2021 NA
DP 21-23 Forest Lawn Rd. Right-of-Way Grading, Erosion and Sedimentation Control - Storm Drain Appealed 11/5/2021 1/27/2022
AA 21-02 TL 51031AA00600 (vacant lot north of Nenana Ave) Appeal of Development Permit for stabilization pinning Approved - Permit Denied Mailed Notice Not Required 11/23/2021 and 12/21/2021
Ecola Park Road - ROW Tree Removal Ecola Park Road (51019AD10700) Right-of-Way Tree Removal Approved 11/1/21 N/A
S Spruce - ROW Tree Removal S Spruce (51030AA04402) Right-of-Way Tree Removal Approved 11/1/21 N/A
VAC 21-01 All of Alder Street lying northerly of the easterly extension of the south line of Lot 7, Block 9, and all of Pine Street lying northerly of the easterly extension of the south line of Lot 11, Block 10, in the Town Plat of Seal Rock Beach Clatsop County request to vacate portions of platted and unimproved Pine and Alder Street right of ways in the Seal Rock Beach Subdivision Approved 10/19/21 11/2/21
S Hemlock & Forest Lawn - ROW Tree Removal S Hemlock (51030DA04100) Right-of-Way Tree Removal Approved 10/18/21 N/A
CU 21-02
Reservoir Rd.
TL 51029CA00500
Conditional Use for an eco-retreat with geodesic domes Denied 10/6/2021 10/28/2021
ZO 21-02 All of Cannon Beach Zoning ordinance changes restricting lot combinations, limiting single-family dwelling size, further restricting floor area ratio & lot coverage, and repealing planned development language Approved / recommended for Council consideration 10/6/2021 11/23/2021
AA 21-02 544 N Laurel Appeal of Building Permit for a new residence Approved 10/6/2021 11/23/2021
DRB 21-29 3215 S. Hemlock St. Inn at Cannon Beach break room Approved 9/29/2021 10/21/2021
DRB 21-27 3765 S. Hemlock #2 Patio to dining Approved 9/29/2021 10/21/2021
DP 21-20 TL#51031AA00600 Stability Beam Appealed 9/21/2021 Admin
Hearing Notice - CM/GC Contracting Process for CBE Renovation Project 268 Beaver St. Hearing Notice 14-day notice period 9/20/21 10/5/21
596 Old Cannon Beach Road - ROW Tree Removal 596 Old Cannon Beach Rd. Right-of-Way Tree Removal Approved 9/13/21 N/A
SEP 21-05 - Earth & Ocean Arts Fest. Special Events Permit Approved 9/9/21-9/16/21
Hearing Notice - System Development Charge Consideration Hearing Notice 90-day notice 9/3/21 12/7/21
VAC 21-01 Unimproved Alder & Pine St. Street Vacation Approved 9/1/2021 9/23/2021
3988 S Hemlock - ROW Tree Removal 3988 S Hemlock Right-of-Way Tree Removal Approved 8/20/21 N/A
SR 21-05 1696 S. Hemlock Setback Reduction for Arbor Approved 8/4/2021 8/26/2021
Notice of Receipt of Ballot Title for the November 2, 2021 Election 7-business day notice period 8/4/21
DRB 21-22 3116 S. Hemlock St. Sea Level Bakery Expansion Approved 7/28/2021 8/19/2021
DRB 21-20 1287 Pacific St. Hallmark Suites Skybridge Approved 7/28/2021 8/19/2021
594-596 N Elm Street - ROW Tree Removal 594-596 N Elm St. Right-of-Way Tree Removal Approved 7/20/2021 N/A
DP 21-18 S. Laurel St. Remedial Dune Grading Approved 7/14/2021 N/A
ZO 21-01 Text Amendment Approved 7/13/21 8/3/21
DRB 21-17 1355 S. Hemlock Commercial Conversion Approved 6/23/2021 7/15/2021
Original source can be found here