Suzanne Bonamici tweeted the following:
"As we transition to clean energy, we must look to innovative solutions and bold new technologies like marine energy. Harnessing the power of the ocean has tremendous potential, and researchers at @OregonState have led the development of this promising industry."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Suzanne Bonamici:
"The new funding secured for the PacWave test facility to begin construction of its shoreside facility is an exciting step toward tapping the vast renewable energy potential of our ocean"Read on Twitter"Read on Twitter
"Fossil fuel companies already enjoy outsized federal subsidies and havent touched millions of acres of the lands and waters they already control. Tying the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to an expansion of drilling leases on public lands and waters is unacceptable."Read on Twitter
"We cannot drill our way to energy independence; even if it was feasible, it would come at a great cost to our environment. The best way to secure cheap and plentiful energy is to speed our transition to a clean energy economy."Read on Twitter